近几个月来,为了培养自己的深入阅读的习惯,看了许多法学和哲学的原文著作。最近我在读卡恩(Paul W.Kann,)的 Legitimacy and History. 刚才读到一段,是讲Story 的宪法理论的一段文字,现抄录如下:
Rather, history is for him the medium for the full exhibition of what the idea really is. For example, people cannot fully understand the idea of separation of powers as an abstraction but must look to its expression in the actual history of the nation.
History, for Story, can be compared to a book. The book presents what started as an abstract idea of the author. Without its elaboration in the book, the idea would have a thinness. For any particular reader to grasp the author’s idea requires that he or she read the book. History constitutes the medium for the display for legal order, but not its substance.